There are two regular corrals, one with an air net, and one with a solar shield. This time around you’ll need to find the food in the wild! You can find a golden hoe in your ranch house. There are twenty gardens west of your ranch house. You can also find a pond and a coop to the right of them. This minecraft map for slime rancher can be used with many mcpe mods. The Vackpac 1.0 shoots tethers at the slimes, while the 2.0 can pick up slimes and push them through things like corral walls. The left gives you the Vacpack 1.0 and 2.0 while the right gives you elytra. Two Dispensers can be found east of your ranch house. When lightning strikes a pink slime, it will turn into a mosaic slime! Useless for the time being. Honey slimes are semi-rare, only being found in honey perch. Be careful Generates XP every 5500 ticks. Hunter slimes are less rare that rad slimes, but can deal more damage.

Can be found on ash isle and parts of the Indigo Quarry. Even their radiation dosn’t do much good. Rad slimes are the best slimes in game for the time being! These will chase you trying to attack you, but they’re pretty harmless. Then you’ll have a ton of little money makers! Generates XP every 6000 ticks. They pack a punch, then they split! If you’re planning on capturing these guys, split them into their tiny harmless version. Why? Because they would explode and die when you would try and feed them. While in game they do explode, in this map they do not. The teleport map to this place can be activated by feeding the tabby gordo. The puddle slime is a slime that can only be found on Ring Island.

Keep your distance while capturing! Generates XP every 7500 ticks. The cutest of the bunch, but also the most ferocious.

Rock slimes are extremely slow, but can hurt you pretty bad with their spikes. Unlike the actual game, phosphor slimes spawn during the day and can go out in sunlight. Your standard slime! Generates XP every 10000 ticks.

We have always wondered what it would be like to play slime rancher in Minecraft, and here we are! This is new slime rancher map for minecraft and mcpe.