
Knights of the old republic crash on startup
Knights of the old republic crash on startup

knights of the old republic crash on startup knights of the old republic crash on startup knights of the old republic crash on startup

DOSBox and DOSBox-alikes are only for emulating DOS games, and KOTOR 2 came out in like 2004. It's an old game that is notoriously shitty to get to work on newer systems and operating systems. So what remains is: Did steam botch this somehow? I hear steam has it's own DOSBox for old No, Steam didn't break it. That's right, i just compared this to Gothic 3 and i swear this to whoever/whatever is sacred or dearly beloved to you: Gothic 3 never crashed this frequent! And neither did KoToR 2 when it first came out and it's not the mod that is causing this. Remove the mods, Skyrim never crashed this much or this frequent and neither did Gothic 3 god damnit. Much to my massive despair, the game crashes again.

knights of the old republic crash on startup

So i redownload the game, i finally get passed where it crashes, i then realize i have to set the resolution, i save and try to quit to main menu. Enrage i blamed the mod, so i deleted the entire game to be sure (there's a. Unfortunately my prayers went unheard and i could then only play 2 - 20 minutes before it crashes. Oh dear God in heaven, save my soul from this crashing hell, for thou's power is the only power to save me. So when steam re-released it on steam i was jumping with joy! I bought the game and downloaded the restoration mod, 6 hours later the game crashes and i'm like "wtf?" i start up again then 4 - 5 hours later it crashes again, so i thought "maybe it's the mod" i didn't uninstall the mod because it's only 4 - 6 hours in it crashes. KoToR 2, imho is a good game when you look at what they were trying to do but unfortunately because someone just wanted to cash in for the sequel (i truly hope the person who decided this got fired after the release) sure it had some annoying AI's but that is all i can remember. I have no evidence to back this up so treat it as you will.

Knights of the old republic crash on startup